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Digital Marketing Agency for SEO, Google Ads & Social Media Marketing Services

Drive traffic, generate leads, boost your sales, and build your brand by hiring our powerful digital marketing services. Our impactful campaigns run with cutting-edge strategies, innovative ideas, and proven tactics.

Whether you are a small, medium, or large business, we craft tailored strategies by offering various digital marketing options based on your goals, target market, and customers' buying patterns.

Our skilled digital marketing team helps you explore the power of organic ranking with SEO, quick result-oriented campaigns with Google Ads, and engaging social media marketing, which results in creating multiple business opportunities at minimum investment compared to other media.

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Digital Marketing Agency for SEO, Google Ads & Social Media Marketing Services

Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

Opal Infotech is an expert digital marketing service company that can offer customized packages based on your industry target market, location, competitor's movement, and budget. Our services include SEO, Google paid ads, social media promotion, Bing Ads, and Alibaba Ranking Optimization for your business.

We have more than 25+ years of internet marketing experience on various digital platforms with proven results. Ethical business practices, knowledgeable teams, and proactive customer services have made us the most preferred digital marketing agency serving from India to more than 75+ countries.

We also have representatives in the USA, Netherlands, and Australia, so you don’t have to worry about Time zones. Get in touch with us and experience our expertise, which begins with understanding your business to deliver fast results. Just give us your website address and your target market and we can suggest you customize, a super fast result-oriented strategy with various options.

Experience great results by allocating more budget to digital marketing than traditional marketing, as online marketing offers many advantages in promoting businesses digitally and is the preferred technique of brand management on worldwide platforms.

Traditional marketing involves mainly media buying, while in digital marketing there are numerous options available. Some advantages include high engagement with prospective buyers as they can access more information whenever and wherever they want.

As the information is available when prospects are ready to make a decision, there is a possibility of a better conversion rate, which gives your company maximum ROI. In other words, fast results at minimum cost. It provides a platform for you to customize your target with global reach, and it is also the only platform that allows for two-way communication rather than only conveying messages one way.

In short digital marketing is the best media through which one can increase the reach of business with options of having targeted advertising by selecting specific demographics such as age, location, interest, and more. If you compare this with the traditional way of marketing, in this case, it is always extremely cost-effective and also generates measurable results in the shortest possible time

Our experience of working with various industries for over 25+ years, including eCommerce, engineering, FMCG, chemicals, hospitality, education, construction, healthcare, luxury goods, etc., has made us more confident about developing a result-oriented digital marketing strategy.

Our experienced and expert team can help you invest your budget in business-centric platforms, whether it is social media marketing, SEO, or Google/Bing paid ad campaigns. We have separate teams for different types of services, e.g., social media marketing has different teams for social media promotion and paid ads.

And, in the same way for SEO services and Google paid ads. When you hire us as an agency for digital marketing, you will get full service with perfect consultation, and our team members will explain the benefits of each service recommended by us, the expected results, and the result time frame in detail.

We have access to and understanding of the latest tools & technologies to implement, analyze, and track performance which allows us to make data-driven decisions to optimize results & help your business reach its goals.

Why Are Digital Marketing Services Most Important Today?

The Internet World has multiple advantages and digital marketing companies have helped millions of small businesses worldwide to expand themselves. Follows the mantra of “Think Local and go Global”. While this strategy has its challenges, no small and medium enterprise should ignore the vast marketplace i.e. use of marketing technology.

You are also invited to visit our case studies to see how we have helped different industries achieve their business goals and grow faster than their competitors with the right kind of digital promotion.

Digital Marketing helps to get New Customers

Digital Marketing Helps To Get New Customers

According to a market research report, B2C e-commerce sales are expected to reach US$ 9.0 Trillion by 2032 from US$ 4.8 Trillion in 2023. This piece of information clearly says that your customers are online, and they might be searching for a business on Google or any such marketing channel. This means that can help you gain new shoppers online, and with a good website and a good review page, your businesses can gain massive exposure if a campaign is run by an expert digital marketing agency.

Digital Marketing makes Follow up with existing shoppers

Digital Marketing Follows Up With Existing Shoppers

For any brand or company to become successful, it must have top-of-the-mind awareness, and to do that the brand must engage with its shoppers again and again. This is the biggest fundamental that the top digital marketing companies use for Advertising. With this feature, an agency can target those shoppers who are already familiar with the brand and convert them into regular shoppers.

Following up with existing consumers helps build trust and the consumer might become interested enough to buy from the firm regularly. A digital marketing company can suggest the best media to promote the business this way.

Your competitors might have already implemented digital Advertising

Your Competitors Might Have Already Implemented Digital Advertising

In the digital world, one must be authentic to the consumer. But if you’re last to go, it might be difficult to go generate enough visibility even though you are giving the best product & service to consumers. Hence, one must be agile and make the most out of their time with consumers. If you aren’t doing digital marketing with some agency, your competitors might. Hire an experienced digital marketing agency to stay ahead of the competition. The agency may suggest a proven strategy whether it is Google marketing or else to get more business opportunities.

Getting to know your audience in a better way with the right digital marketing strategy

Getting To Know Your Audience In A Better Way With The Right Strategy

Most of the time, the content your company puts out on the website might be unique but not relevant enough. According to Hubspot 2017, 73% of people admit to skimming blog posts and only 23% read the actual post. This figure suggests hiring the best digital marketing agency so a business can know what its audience wants. The online world is the key that enables you to know what your end user wants and then experiment with it, this way the brand or company becomes a trusted partner.

Better & Faster Decision Making with the right types of digital promotion

Better & Faster Decision Making With The Right Types Of Digital Promotion

It helps both the business and the consumer to have better decision-making power. From the business’s perspective, a Marketing campaign handled by a professional digital marketing agency has better control over the budget and can know what their consumer wants and how to optimize it further. From the end user’s perspective, they have a better understanding of the company’s offering and can get in touch with it faster.

Digital Marketing Leverage the power of social platforms.

Digital Marketing Leverage The Power Of Social Platforms.

As of Jan 2020, Facebook has 2.6 billion consumers on its platform and roughly 2/3 of the US population is on Facebook, this ensures a tremendous opportunity for small businesses to have their digital presence on social platforms to showcase their offerings and connect with the audience. Social Media platforms are nowadays not only for connecting but also for businesses to flourish and grow.
The best audience age range on these social media platforms is between 18- 34, hence, digital marketers need to tailor the ads suitable to this type of Audience

Right Digital Marketing Improves Conversion Rate Drastically.

Right Digital Marketing Improves Conversion Rate Drastically.

For any business, the main purpose is to drive sales and revenue. Looking at the rapidly changing conditions right from the boom of the internet, advertisers need to find ways to still drive growth and do their part. With an experienced marketing agency, advertisers find a better and faster way to generate leads and thus lead to conversion.

Digital Marketing Agency helps to establish Trust and Brand Recognition

Digital Marketing Agency Helps To Establish Trust And Brand Recognition

Advertising is all about trust and recognition because if the business has a digital presence, it is bound to have reviews and other testimonials from consumers. Amazon was popular not only because it offered door-to-door services, but has because it had end-user reviews. Many companies are successful because they have user testimonials that boost trust and make users interested in the products. Hence, digital marketing service helps in brand recognition and trust building.

Digital Marketing Post Covid 19: During these testing times, businesses need to be aware of how many options they have to market their products because as half of the world is under lockdown, all traditional advertising campaigns are out of the question.

Moreover, due to guidelines to stay home, people are spending more time online now than ever. According to Forbes, internet activities have surged by 50-70 % and one can get benefit from this by associating with an expert company to promote the company's business.

Opal Infotech Solves Your Digital Challenges

How can I promote my e-commerce website in a very competitive market?

My budget is limited, and I want to try only one service. There are many digital marketing ideas to promote an e-commerce website, but since we have to recommend only one service to bring remarkable business in the shortest possible time, in this case, we recommend Google Shopping ads, which showcase your product directly in front of ready-to-buy customers.

There are solid reasons to recommend shopping ads among all available digital marketing options. Some of the prominent results are:

  • Showcase Products with Rich Visuals: Stand out with high-quality product images and competitive pricing, grabbing attention directly in search results.
  • Targeted Reach: Reach potential customers actively searching for products you sell.
  • Increased Traffic: Attract high-intent buyers directly to your product pages for faster conversions.
  • Simple Setup: Leverage your existing product data feed for easy campaign creation.
  • Measurable Results: Track clicks, conversions, and ROI to optimize your ad spend.

Stop waiting for customers to find you. Put your products directly in their path.

Benefits of Google Shopping Ads:

  • Higher Click-Through Rates: Product images and prices entice users to click.
  • Reduced Costs: Only pay when someone clicks on your ad, maximizing your budget.
  • 24/7 Sales Machine: Your ads work tirelessly, even when you're not.
  • Easy Integration: Works seamlessly with your existing e-commerce platform.

You can also visit some of the e-commerce success stories with Shopping ads. Take your e-commerce business to the next level. Contact us today to launch your Google Shopping Ads campaign!

My website has a good number of visitors, but I do not get enough inquiries.

This is a common problem when you spend heavily on SEO and Google Ads services and get traffic on your website, but hardly any leads. There are several possible reasons one should look into:

  • Content misalignment: Your website contents are not enough to attract visitors. Informative content addressing customer's pain points and goals brings more inquiries rather than short content
  • Website content irrelevant: You have a content-rich website, BUT these are not relevant to what your prospective buyer is looking for. You fail to convey the message in a content-rich website, so you do not get leads OR get the wrong audience.
  • Targeting wrong keywords: When campaigns are run without proper keyword research, such situations occur. There is a vast difference between general keyword search and lead-oriented keyword search. When the wrong keywords are targeted, then you will get an audience but no inquiries.
  • Confusing website navigation structure: This makes it difficult for prospective buyers to understand the next step for sending inquiries. Buyers will become confused with the website and discouraged to take CTA (Call to Action).
  • Slow-loading website: A slow-loading website frustrates visitors and increases bounce rates.
  • Mobile unfriendliness: If your website is not optimized for mobile, then you will get visitors but lose potential leads.
  • Wrong Google account settings & ad management: To run a Google Ads account, you need to have a proper understanding of account management tools. This is the reason Google offers certification programs so that one can understand clients' goals properly and professionally run accounts.

Lack of understanding of business targeting, wrong keywords, geographic location, and managing accounts erroneously can bring traffic, but you will lose opportunity, money, and time.

We strongly recommend getting your Google Ads through a certified agency and SEO through an experienced company with a proven track record.

How can I promote my e-commerce website in a very competitive market?

Mine is a manufacturing company for industrial products. Which digital marketing services give me the best ROI? For an industrial products manufacturing company, each product is different in terms of nature, targeted segments, geographical opportunities, and client preference.

We suggest a customized strategy to promote your business, which should be a powerful marketing combo to establish a solid online presence and generate business.

  • Custom SEO: Get your website ranking with lead-oriented and technical keywords mostly used in your business. Attract organic traffic from prospective buyers who are searching for solutions. This way, you can create your brand, generate business, and establish credibility.
  • Google Search Ads: Place your ads at the top of search results with specific keywords. Here, you can target geographic locations, ad timing, product-wise bids, and appealing messages, which can generate fruitful inquiries. With a small budget, you can get quick results.
  • Remarketing: Stay top-of-mind for prospective buyers who have already visited your website. You can show your message in banner form through thousands of websites and apps. This is the perfect way to follow up with your prospects without spending your time worrying about their availability.

Contact us to discuss a customized strategy for your manufacturing company in industrial products, whether it's machinery, chemicals, equipment, food products, or any bulk purchase items.

Digital Marketing Services With Wide Options



A search engine has certain algorithms for “Ranking” websites’ pages on the search engine page results. For a website to rank higher than others, you should make sure that the page is optimized and has relevant content in it, this is known as Search Engine Optimization and that can be achieved by hiring an SEO company who have a team of experts as a search engine marketers, can also be called as Google Digital Marketing Company.

According to HubSpot 2020, 64% of advertisers spend their time on search engine optimization. SEO is usually considered to be one of the best techniques to increase traffic on a website. There are two types of Google SEO Strategy :

  1. On page SEO
    This type of SEO also called technical SEO is more focused on the uniqueness and relevance of the website pages. The landing pages, relevant keywords, user experience, and the time it takes to load a page all play an important role in on-page SEO marketing.
  2. Off-page SEO
    This type of SEO, done by search engine marketers relies on having strong backlinks and how much the page is featured by publishers and other guest posts. This improves credibility and thus improves the ranking of the page in Google search results.
Digital Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most important features of any digital marketing strategy. This includes blogs, articles, videos, newsletters, snippets of information, and any form of content put on for the engagement of the users and better lead generation.

Google Paid Ads

Google Paid Ads

Google Paid Ads marketing services are a popular option for companies looking for brand visibility and driving sales. When people put keywords on a Search engine, companies pay Search engines to put their ads on the top slot of the page, this is what Google search Ads services provided by digital marketing agencies are all about.

Google Paid Ads either lets the business have automation or offers full control over budget, and time of visibility and helps in gaining traffic. A dedicated digital marketing company ensures to provide the best ROI by managing the Google Ads budget efficiently with the implementation of the right digital marketing strategy.

Google Display Advertising by Placement Marketing

Google Display Advertising by Placement Targeting

Placement advertising is another popular form of paid ads. This involves the business demanding for ad units to be placed on a particular space on the website. In this type of promotion, the digital marketing agency can choose to place the digital ads that they want the advertisers to target. The search engine has a special feature that lets agencies bid on the space on the websites of their affiliated partners. This feature is best for gaining visibility.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads

According to data given by YouTube in 2020, over 2 billion people logged into YouTube each month and every day watched over a billion hours of videos. Over a long period, agencies have considered video ads as an essential tool for generating interest in users, this holds even today. Google owns YouTube and these display ads are the best form of storytelling tool available in digital advertising.

It has been observed that YouTube digital marketing in the form of YouTube video display advertising or text ads on YouTube videos brings great conversions if landing pages are your website. Hire an experienced digital marketing agency, that has in-depth knowledge of how to run such campaigns to get maximum ROI.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping Ads

Search engine already has search ads option for Google digital marketing; however, Google Shopping  Ads is another digital marketing experience for users altogether. Shopping  Ads is a digital marketing service that allows users to shop, compare, and discover products that they are searching for; it’s like a marketplace by Google. It offers product visibility and helps users navigate through your ads, multiple times.

While Google search ads are a more popular option for companies, data, although suggests that Google Shopping Ads have a 50% higher conversion rate. Hiring a knowledgeable digital marketing agency is the first step to success in this strategy.

Google Remarketing Services

Google Remarketing Services

As discussed above Remarketing is a powerful option that a digital marketing agency offers to companies looking to connect with users that are already familiar with the company or have visited the website at least once. If the business is already using a search or display ad, all they have to do is add a Google Remarketing code to their website or their campaign pages and they would be able to have data through browser cookies.
By using Google Remarketing Ads, a business can increase the effectiveness of its impressions and also increase brand exposure digitally way.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Some of the biggest social media digital marketing platforms available today are Facebook and Instagram. The combined number of users these platforms have is around 3 billion. Also, according to facts, Instagram is considered as second most social channel offering high ROI. Advertising on these platforms helps companies create a marketing persona and also helps in affiliate advertising. Companies like Nike and Puma, have created their empires through the proper use of social media, now it’s time for you to create your own success story and that is feasible if your digital marketing agency can manage the social media budget precisely with constant analysis.

Social Media Ads Marketing

Social Media Ads Marketing

Facebook and Instagram both have tons of data on their website, which means they can help advertisers with better-focused ads and have insights. With Facebook and Instagram ads, your company can have better visibility and better data, not to mention these ads generally result in profits too. With Facebook and Instagram, user experience is not disrupted as all they have to scroll away, hence Facebook and Instagram ads are even more precious for small businesses. With the Audience Insights page on Facebook and Instagram, companies can experiment a lot and can help reach a global audience.

Google Display Advertisement through Interest Marketing

Google Display Advertisement through Interest Marketing

These are similar to display ads and help users reach prospective users, which in turn help in gaining insights into user behavior and better lead generation. Google display ads reach more than a billion customers, they are an effective way to reach out to potential new customers globally and generate awareness about the company’s offering of products and services.

Opal Infotech a Proven & Trusted Digital Marketing Agency

  • Expertise: We as a Digital marketing agency have a team of experts who specialize in various aspects of digital marketing, such as SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, and more. We have the knowledge and experience to create and execute effective digital marketing strategies that can reach your goals.

    Our experts have extensive knowledge and experience in their respective fields, and they keep up with the latest trends, best practices, and changes in the industry. They use this expertise to create and execute effective digital marketing strategies that are tailored to your specific business needs and goals.

    For example, if you want to improve your website's search engine rankings, a digital marketing agency with an SEO specialist can conduct a thorough analysis of your website and develop an SEO strategy that includes optimizing your website's structure, content, and backlinks. We can also monitor your website's rankings and make adjustments as needed to help improve your visibility on search engines.

    Overall, the expertise of a digital marketing agency can be invaluable in helping you create and execute effective digital marketing strategies that can help to reach business goals. By leveraging the expertise of a team of specialists, one can ensure that you're using the best tactics and strategies to get the results you're looking for.
  • Resources: As a Professional Digital marketing agency have access to a range of tools and resources that can help us to create and execute effective campaigns whether it is SEO Google Ads or Social Media. We have subscriptions to premium software or other analytical tools that can help promote your brand effectively.

    The resources available to us as an Innovative digital marketing agency can also be a significant benefit to our customers. These resources can include a wide range of tools and connections that can help to create and execute result-oriented digital marketing campaigns.

    For example, our digital marketing agency has access to premium software and tools that can help with tasks such as keyword research, competitor analysis, social media management, email marketing automation, and more. These tools can provide valuable insights and data that can help you make informed decisions and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.
    By leveraging these tools and connections, you can get insights and data that you may not have access to otherwise, and you can reach a wider audience through influencer or media promotions.

  • Time: Managing digital marketing campaigns can be time-consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the process or don't have dedicated staff to handle it. Many times it needs to have constant monitoring of the process and results. We as a dedicated digital marketing agency can take care of all the details and free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.When you work with a digital marketing agency, you can rely on their expertise and experience to take care of all the details. We can handle everything from developing a strategy to implementing it, monitoring the results, and making adjustments as needed. This can be especially valuable for small businesses or startups that may not have the resources or expertise to handle digital marketing in-house.
  • Cost-effective: While it may seem counterintuitive, working with an Experiences and expert digital marketing agency can be cost-effective in the long run. We can help you avoid costly mistakes and help to get the most out of your marketing budget.

    First, a digital marketing agency can help you avoid costly mistakes that can occur when you're not familiar with the ins and outs of digital marketing. For example, if you're running a PPC campaign without a solid understanding of how it works, you could end up wasting a lot of money on ineffective ads. Similarly, if you're not familiar with SEO best practices, you could end up investing time and resources in strategies that don't yield results.

    By working with a digital marketing agency, you can get the most out of your marketing budget. Our Digital marketing team has the expertise and experience to help you develop and execute effective marketing strategies that are tailored to your specific business needs and goals.

    Finally, Opal Infotech a digital marketing agency can also help you save money by providing a team of experts who can handle all aspects of your digital marketing campaigns. Hiring and training an in-house team can be expensive, By outsourcing your digital marketing to an agency, you can get the benefits of having a dedicated team of experts without the overhead costs of hiring and training them yourself.

    Overall, working with a digital marketing agency can be a cost-effective way to get the most out of your marketing budget. By avoiding costly mistakes, accessing valuable tools and resources, and getting the benefits of a dedicated team of experts, you can maximize your marketing ROI and achieve your business goals more efficiently.

  • Accountability: Opal Infotech's digital marketing team generates & provides regular reports and updates on the progress of your campaigns. This level of transparency and accountability can help you understand the return on your investment and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. In short, it can help to ensure that your campaigns are delivering the results you need to achieve your business goals. This can be especially valuable if you're investing a significant amount of time and resources into your marketing efforts, as it can help to ensure that you're getting a solid return on your investment.

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