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WordPress Maintenance Services & Support

A slow and ill-maintained website can kill your business and give an opportunity to your competitors to grow.

Opal Infotech offers Quick WordPress Maintenance Services including the latest updates installation, theme and plugin updates, bug fixing, speed optimization, database error fixing, malware removal, and any you encounter with. Contact us to get the best WordPress maintenance packages

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WordPress Maintenance Services & Support

We Elevate Experience with Best Performing WordPress Website

Website Maintenance is an ongoing process that undertakes many tasks, keeping it secure and working smoothly and seamlessly. Its maintenance includes many tasks like updating the old version plugins, fixing any kind of broken link, and upgrading. WordPress updating is the need of the day for diverse organizations and regular WordPress maintenance services offered by us help to set up many customizable options, plugins, themes, and other appealing choices.
Throughout operations, WordPress sites suffer from a few concerns like data bloats, spam, and malware. Performing Maintenance services tasks regularly can fix these issues and enable seamless working.

Elevating Experience

Why Need WordPress Maintenance Services from Opal Infotech, a Professional Company?

WordPress module regularly receives advanced updates and multiple new release updates month on month which can improve the security and performance of the relevant platform. Maintenance of the WordPress Website ensures that the site consistently updates the core code or any plug-in that might be in use. The services of WordPress website maintenance also provide total security and a smart platform that is ubiquitous and widely supported by third-party tools. Since the WordPress website is a popular choice amongst business owners and professionals, the company owners need to be extra vigilant in maintaining their site to keep its functionality intact in the best possible manner.
Regular updates, database optimization, and performance monitoring can help improve the speed and responsiveness of a website. Updating themes and plugins can add new features and improve existing ones, allowing a website to better serve its purpose and visitors.

Despite the simplicity that the WordPress website offers, it is a fairly sophisticated database-driven system with many underlying source codes. Thus WordPress requires a constant maintenance plan to keep it in good working order.
It is a common target for bots, hackers, viruses, and other malware, and a good maintenance services plan can take total control of the site keeping the customer information and the company’s reputation intact. WordPress maintenance also makes sure that the site receives the latest security patches in place, significantly reducing any kind of vulnerability to common attacks.
An unmaintained website can also result in a slow loading that can turn users off, poor UX, and low search ranking. A few benefits that the WordPress Maintenance services plan can offer are-

  • A secure Website
  • Improved SEO  performance ( For understanding kindly visit our SEO Services page )
  • Better Conversions and User Experience
  • Creating extra creative input for businesses
  • The best UX and accessibility

Why Wordpress Maintenance

Opal Infotech Solves WordPress Maintenance Challenges

My company website and competitors' websites are both built in WordPress, but their website loading speed is very fast compared to mine. How to fix this?

We understand that it is quite frustrating to see competitors' websites loading fast compared to our website, and many times we feel helpless as we cannot do anything to their website. But of course, we can find out the reason for the slow loading of our site and fix the issues by performing optimization maintenance services.

There are some probable reasons and solutions:

  • Outdated WordPress Version: Older versions of PHP can be slower or vulnerable to virus threats; we need to check and update them.
  • No caching: We need to install a caching plugin that can automatically cache website content, resulting in improved speed.
  • Poor quality website hosting: We need to check the web hosting server quality, including processing power and bandwidth. If it is of poor quality, then change the web hosting to one optimized for WordPress performance.
  • Unoptimized images: It is one of the main contributors to slow-loading pages. We need to compress images using image optimization techniques without sacrificing quality.
  • Too many or outdated plugins: Every plugin adds extra code to your website, which can slow down the speed of the page. Delete or disable plugins that are not currently being used; plugins in use can be updated to the latest version.
  • Unused code: At the time of WordPress development, developers might have used some codes that are not in use later on but still take resources while loading the page. Unused code should be removed.

We have mentioned a few above, but there are many other relevant problems for slow-loading websites. Contact us for a free WordPress website maintenance consultation.

My WordPress website is experiencing recurrent hacks or unexpected disruptions, perhaps even redirecting to unfamiliar sites. How to solve this problem permanently?

This can be incredibly frustrating. Several factors could be contributing to these issues, but here are some common culprits:

  • Vulnerabilities in WordPress Core, Themes, or Plugins: Outdated software leaves your site susceptible to exploitation by hackers who can inject malicious code.
  • Weak Passwords: Hackers often exploit weak passwords, particularly for the administrator account, using brute-force attacks.
  • Malicious Code Injections: Through vulnerabilities, hackers can inject harmful code into your website, leading to unwarranted redirects.

To address these concerns and safeguard your website:

  • Backup Your Website: Prioritize creating a comprehensive backup of your website's files and database to facilitate restoration if necessary.
  • Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins: Ensure all components are up to date, as updates frequently include crucial security patches.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Implement robust, unique passwords for all WordPress accounts, particularly the administrator account, and consider utilizing a password manager.
  • Scan for Malware: Utilize WordPress security plugins to scan for and remove any malware on your website.
  • Change wp-config.php Salts: Enhance security by altering the security salts within the wp-config.php file, thereby complicating hacker attempts to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Consider a Security Plugin: Explore reputable security plugins to defend against various threats, including malware and unauthorized redirects.

Consider hiring OPAL INFOTECH as WordPress security and maintenance experts to run your business smoothly.

I've created an e-commerce website using WordPress with the WooCommerce plugin, but customers are unable to complete their orders. I'm having trouble figuring out why!

we would be happy to assist you in troubleshooting the order placement issue on your WordPress e-commerce website. Here are some concise steps provided by our maintenance company to diagnose and resolve the problem.

  • Plugin Activation and Configuration:
    • Ensure WooCommerce is activated in your WordPress plugin list.
    • Review WooCommerce settings for shipping zones, payment gateways, and product information accuracy.
  • Checkout Errors:
    • Test orders personally (preferably from a different IP or device) for encountering specific checkout error messages, offering valuable insights.
    • Scan error logs in your WordPress dashboard or server logs to detect technical obstacles to order completion.
  • Address Payment Gateway Issues:
    • Confirm your chosen payment gateway is active and correctly configured in WooCommerce Settings -> Payments.
    • Validate your payment gateway account setup and permissions for transaction processing.
    • Check for errors or compatibility issues if using a custom payment gateway or modified payment code.
  • Resolve Shipping Issues:
    • Check that shipping zones and methods are defined in WooCommerce Settings -> Shipping.
    • Experiment with different shipping options during checkout to pinpoint method-specific issues.
    • Verify API credentials and connection to the shipping carrier for real-time shipping rates.
  • Rule Out Theme or Plugin Conflicts:
    • Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Three to identify persistent issues, isolating potential conflicts with your current theme.
    • Deactivate all non-essential plugins one by one to identify any third-party plugin causing the problem. Reactivate plugins individually to identify the culprit.
  • Update WooCommerce and WordPress:
    • Ensure both WooCommerce and WordPress are updated to the latest stable versions in your WordPress dashboard (Plugins -> Updates or Updates) to avoid bugs or security vulnerabilities.
  • Check Server-Side Issues:
    • If previous solutions fail, consider server-side factors. Ensure your web hosting environment meets WooCommerce's requirements.
    • Investigate PHP errors or memory limitations hindering order processing. Contact your web host's support team for server-related issues.

Contact us for emergency or routine e-commerce website maintenance services across any platform.


The Maintenance services offered by our professional company exceed expectations while the delivery of services includes aspects like-

We Update WordPress Version - An outdated version, plugin, or theme could pose a security risk. The WordPress experts take a complete backup of the WordPress website and update the site to have the latest version. This step ahead through a good regime of maintenance services by us helps in

  • Adding new and latest features
  • An improvement over the previous version’s features
  • Fixing any bug that may occur
  • A superlative plug-in and theme compatibility.

Similarly, our WordPress theme update services are a crucial part of the updating process. An outdated theme could lack aspects like improved features or pose a security risk. A seamless theme update could make the website compatible with a future WordPress release. Each new release of the WordPress version comes with performance improvements that make it run faster and more efficiently with the help of Maintenance services from experts.
Not updating the version updates or prolonged maintenance can snowball into bigger and more complicated problems such as a site failure due to the themes not being updated. Opting for Regular website maintenance services from our expert developers can also help enable new features and improve the performance of plugins.

We Install Security Patch - A WordPress security update is geared towards improving the overall security and fixing the bugs that may attack the site. Security patch updates are important as the longer one goes without updating the website, the hackers have a better experience finding the weak points and open areas to come in steal data or place malicious codes that result in total dysfunction. The Plugins installed on the website can also contain security vulnerabilities that cause a denial of the working conditions.
The security patch installation and upgrading in WordPress services can help gain speed and performance on the website. Whenever a security vulnerability is reported, the WordPress developers release an update that makes the necessary fixes and the maintenance services ensure that the secure platform is updated.

WordPress Plugin Update- Updating the WordPress Plugins is equally important to preserve the site’s security and functionality. Updating the extensions is a crucial task a WordPress maintenance service offers. Running older versions of plug-ins could lead to major compatibility issues with the other themes, extensions, or WordPress Core. When the site becomes not so accessible, it can impact the user experience with a perception that is not too favorable. Thus WordPress updates can overcome any negative impact on the website and is vital to a smooth and seamless running of the website. maintenance services package by our company includes services like plugin optimization, website reports and uptime monitoring, and theme conflict resolution.

Google ReCaptcha Code- The Google ReCaptcha Solution is another effective security solution that protects the WordPress module from any kind of spam. It encompasses advanced risk analysis techniques so that it can tell humans and bots apart. This can help in choosing the most appropriate action for the website and detect any kind of abusive traffic without user interaction.
The Captcha Code is a simple test that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break a password-protected account. It relies on images and audio versions and a WordPress maintenance service ensures the accuracy and speed of processing the activity. Removing older versions and replacing them with the latest ones goes a long way in improving user privacy and increasing control over the actions you need to block. Maintenance of WordPress modules provided by digital transformation services providers like Opal Infotech can change digital strategies into market realities for increasing safety and generating more revenue.

We Analyse and Remove Unwanted Plugins- The disadvantage of having unwanted plugins on the site can lead to slower loading times and security concerns. It extends functionality on the site or adds existing functionality to create any kind of website you desire. Analyzing the right kind of plugin which is part of an excellent WordPress Maintenance strategy ensures that the website does not accumulate any files or data that you may not need. The loading times get leaner and there is no clutter on the dashboards. The database does not get bloated and there is a cleanup of the WordPress.
A slow website can impact the bottom line and keeping WordPress as smooth as possible should be high on the agenda. Opal Infotech's Professional WordPress maintenance services remarkably remove any unwanted plugins and provide the developers the flexibility to customize site features and functionality with ease.

WordPress Speed Optimization by Our Expert Developers- Installing high-quality plugins, using the latest PHP versions, and deleting unused extensions can speed up WordPress in a beautiful manner. The users can get happier, and the search engines fare better increasing the credibility of the Website. Performing a speed optimization routine and including it in the WordPress maintenance regimen guarantees a coveted spot right on top in the business world. These services also run regular performance tests and schedule tasks for low-traffic periods.
The speed optimization in WordPress enhances and tweaks the setup to the right specifications and manages plugins. Choosing better web hosting and enabling caching can help browsers load file sites very easily. Optimizing the WordPress site’s homepage can make it look simpler, without clustered content and unwanted widgets or tools.
The outdated WordPress releases or updates can make the site seem glitchy and the website may not even function well. Opting for Website Maintenance that is responsive and user-friendly can work wonders for websites to increase traffic and improve the profitability of the business. The speed optimization helps gain more traction on search engines as well and lets Google and other search engines decipher if the WordPress site can perform better.

Experienced Malware Removal Services-  There are several ways to remove malware in WordPress and hiring an expert is the quickest and the most effective way for flawless working. They provide quick and efficient clean-ups with excellent support and an intelligent firewall and vulnerability detection.
Malware can affect a site’s performance on every level including its SEO performance. Malware in WordPress can cause a sudden change in website traffic and the installation of security patches can enable evolving algorithms that can detect any malware instantly.
Some of the common issues faced are defaced web pages, links to malicious websites, block list warnings, and white screens of death. The maintenance services package includes the best plugins to choose from and provides a comprehensive process to remove malware from a hacked website and prevent it further.

WordPress Database Update- WordPress has some of the best content management systems that allow the creation and customization of the website. To give your site smooth functionality you need to keep some elements up to date and among them, the most important is the WordPress database. The database performs the important role of storing all the vital data and information of the website. When required this data can be displayed from the database. WordPress Maintenance services can be non-negotiable especially to avoid losing chunks of data. Updating to the latest version of WordPress can ensure that the latest security fix is obtained. WordPress database updates and security can help the website be safe and bug-free with the newest features and better compatibility.

Industry-centric WordPress Maintenance

Opal Infotech understands the needs of WordPress maintenance requirements of diverse industries and is committed to excelling in website performance to the optimal level, allowing companies to focus on their business's specific targeted areas. Our WordPress maintenance portfolio covers every industrial need, including engineering, manufacturing, retail e-commerce, wholesale and export businesses, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, automobiles, healthcare, agriculture, commodities, and many more.
Our industry-centric website support not only deals with industrial custom requirements but also focuses on and caters to solutions for sector-specific challenges. For instance, e-commerce businesses have priority functionalities such as secure payment gateways, smooth transactions, CMS order management, customer data protection, and easy navigation for customers.

Apart from technical glitches, there are many other day-to-day website requirements for various sectors, such as project portfolio and technical document updates, certifications and compliance information updates, news or blog updates, images/video integration, etc. These are now the core areas that need daily updates for the industries covered in this website service contract. We have segregated each business-specific online maintenance requirement for WordPress websites to detect and resolve any issues at regular intervals. This will make your digital operations very smooth by taking the burden of website management off your shoulders.

Why Choose Opal Infotech - WordPress Website Maintenance Company

WordPress Maintenance services can help with the right tools and tactics to monitor the WordPress site as simply as possible. A good WordPress Website maintenance strategy is a package that safeguards the precious website and can get the entire necessary plugins running. It includes migrations, support, security insights, and much more. It also consists of a backup strategy, SEO, security, data cleaning, user enhancement, patch updates, and the like. Choosing a partner like Opal Infotech for WordPress can ensure optimal performance and with reliable services, one can find a perfect fit for their business. An Experienced service provider can take care of various needs like content updates to attract users to the website, technology upgrades for a faster website, data backups, and exemplary customer service.
At Opal Infotech, the expert team has hands-on experience and the know-how of WordPress maintenance.

Wordpress Maintenance FAQs

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