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May 01 2024

Opal Infotech -Top 9 Stories of April - 2024

Opal Infotech's April 2024 highlights include top-notch web development projects completed, intensified SEO focus, and advanced design tools adopted for exceptional user experiences. Strategic Alibaba product postings and the highest number of website maintenance projects in April '24 further showcased Opal's innovative approach. Visit Stories.

Apr 22 2024

Transform Your Business through Effective Web Development.

Opal Infotech has successfully developed and launched a WordPress website for a leading Weighing Automation & Material Handling Equipment Manufacturer based in Ahmedabad, India. Our custom web solutions ensure seamless functionality and user-friendly experience, empowering the business to showcase their products and services effectively to a global audience.

Apr 19 2024

Empower Your Business with Advanced Web Solutions.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to announce the launch of a newly developed WordPress website for a rental transport service provider based in Italy. Transform your website user experiences with modern web practices.

Apr 11 2024

Unlock Infinite Business Opportunities with E-Commerce Web Development.

Opal Infotech is delighted to unveil a state-of-the-art e-commerce website for a premier USA-based Hair & Beauty Salon.

Apr 10 2024

Seamless Shopping with Shoprite Payment Integration - Just One Click Away.

Opal Infotech is delighted to integrate Shoprite Payment Gateway for a South African based social networking website. Enjoy seamless transactions and hassle-free shopping right from the comfort of your social platform. Say goodbye to checkout headaches and hello to convenience!

Apr 02 2024

Performance Max - For an Efficient Google Ads Campaign.

Efficiently manage campaigns while making real-time adjustments for precise targeting with Performance Max. Unlock comprehensive insights to inform strategic decisions and maximize performance.

Mar 28 2024

Investment in Mobile Application Can Take Your Business to the Next Level.

Transform your business with a mobile application! Seamlessly connect with customers, online order management, foster brand loyalty, and elevate your customer service standards. Plus, extend your market reach like never before. Embrace the power of one decision for boundless benefits.

Mar 26 2024

Angular - Best Platform for Building Scalable Business Websites.

Elevating digital presence to new heights, Opal Infotech is pleased to announce the launch of a state-of-the-art Angular website created for the leading manufacturer of ceramic sanitary ware in Thangadh, India.

Mar 25 2024

Accelerate Business Growth with Innovative Digital Marketing Services.

Opal Infotech is pleased to partner with the fastest-growing tyres & tubes manufacturer in Ludhiana, India, to amplify their digital presence, showcasing innovation and quality to the world through SEO, Google Ads, and Google Remarketing.

Feb 01 2024

Corporate SEO - Latest Strategies that Redefine Digital Excellence.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to announce collaboration with a leading Medical Devices Manufacturing Company based in Singapore for an aggressive SEO strategy tailored to elevate their corporate presence! They specialize in In-vitro Diagnostic Test Kits and Diabetic Monitoring Systems.

Jan 29 2024

Explore Business Markets with Custom SEO Strategies.

Boosting search engine visibility and engagement for India's premier Custom Cones Manufacturer & Exporter! Let Opal Infotech's expert SEO services elevate your brand's online presence.

Jan 23 2024

Doors Are Open! - Expand Your Business with the Help of E-commerce Website.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to design and launch an E-commerce website for India's leading supplier of branded electrical products and accessories. To gain insights into eCommerce web development, click here.

Jan 17 2024

Woo Commerce Web Development: Empower Businesses with Vibrant Digital Storefronts.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to develop and launch a dynamic ECommerce website on the Woo Commerce platform for a leading Electronics Components Company in Poland. Elevate your online presence with custom web development solutions for seamless shopping experiences.

Jan 16 2024

Google Remarketing: Reconnect and Regain Your Potential Clients.

Fueling success for India's leading Ceramic Sanitary ware brand! Opal Infotech takes pride in managing top-notch Google remarketing services for the premier manufacturer, exporter, and supplier.

Jan 10 2024

SEO and Google Ads: Your Growth Engine to Turn Visitors into Clients.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to take on the digital journey with a Spain-based Home & Commercial Textile Products Manufacturer to boost their online presence through top-notch SEO services and Google Ads management.

Jan 02 2024

Opal Infotech -Top 11 Stories of December - 2023 - Concluding 2023 with a Flourish of Technological Milestones.

Opal Infotech achieved remarkable milestones with latest technology in Dec’23, from seamless WordPress directories to groundbreaking SEO retention. Our strategic Facebook Ads and Alibaba Minisite designs set new standards, reflecting our commitment to excellence. As we pioneer advanced optimization and embrace Angular technology migrations, the future of innovation is bright. Visit Stories.

Dec 22 2023

Secure Your Online Business with Effective Web Maintenance Program.

Opal Infotech is pleased to announce the opportunity to execute a PrestaShop Website Maintenance contract to enhance the security and provide a seamless online business experience for Tanzania's Business E-commerce Portal.

Dec 19 2023

Target Global Audience with Google Ads & Remarketing.

Opal Infotech is thrilled to collaborate with India's premier 3D Animation Brand Building Company, with the aim of promoting their business services in the competitive international market through strategic Google Ads and Google Remarketing Services.

Dec 04 2023

Opal Infotech Secures Web Maintenance Contract for India's Premier Life-Saving Training Institute.

Opal Infotech is delighted to share that we have successfully obtained the web maintenance contract for India's largest institute committed to training individuals in life-saving techniques, specifically focused on recovering from massive cardiac arrest.

Nov 28 2023

Successfully Developed And Launched Google Chrome Extension.

Opal Infotech has successfully introduced a Google Chrome extension designed to deliver notifications for incoming calls and SMS, update user information, facilitate FAX sending, and provide a host of additional features.

Nov 22 2023

To Promote Through Business Driven SEO.

Opal Infotech is proud to be associated with one of India's premier tableting machine manufacturers for advancing their digital presence through strategic SEO initiatives.

Nov 15 2023

HTTPS-enabled websites provide clients confidence that they may browse your site safely while viewing all relevant, secure content.

Switching your website to HTTPS should be a part of your entire digital marketing plan if you own a business website since it guarantees faster load times, boosts search engine results, and encourages repeat visits from your target demographic.

Nov 09 2023

Boost Website Performance: Accelerate Speed, Enhance User Experience, and Stay Updated.

Stay ahead of the competition by keeping your website up-to-date with the latest performance enhancements. Opal Infotech experts can help you optimize the website loading speed, ensuring the best user experience.

Nov 02 2023

Latest SEO Trends that Boost Long-Term Brand Visibility to Business Prospective Customers.

The tremendous importance of SEO and its benefits have been recognized in digital marketing, as it helps your business appear in search results based on parameters like enhanced web speed, content marketing, social media marketing, and video marketing.

Nov 01 2023

Opal Infotech -Top 10 Stories of October - 2023 - Discover a Month of Innovation and Success.

Empower your business through advanced automation in web & app development, digital promotions with SEO and paid campaigns, strategic social media campaigns to witness the great results.Visit Stories.

Oct 02 2023

Opal Infotech -Top 10 Stories of September - 2023 - Crafting Tomorrow's Solutions, Today with Innovative Digital Brilliance.

Opal Infotech excel in cutting-edge technology, from VoIP systems for mobile app to upgraded Angular functionalities. Our strategic prowess counters Google updates, ensuring your online presence stay ahead. With seamless website migrations, powerful Google Ads campaigns, and tailored SEO solutions, we redefined digital success in September 2023. Partner with us and transform your online journey today. Visit Stories

Aug 16 2023

Successfully launched VoIP Phone system App Developed with React Technology on App Store.

Harnessing React's Power to Forge a Next-Gen Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) App, Redefining Seamless Communication and Setting New Standards for Audio Excellence.

Jul 03 2023

Opal Infotech -Top 10 Stories of June - 2023 - June's Triumphs: A Trailblazing Journey of Innovation and Success.

Unleashing Possibilities, Defying Limits: Our Saga of Growth, Triumph, and Empowering Customers to Conquer New Horizons.

Jun 01 2023

Opal Infotech -Top 12 Stories of May - 2023 - Success is the product of goals, fueled by determination, Teamwork and relentless effort.

Achievement flourishes when a team aligns their diverse hands, fuels their endeavors with goals, and embraces a singular vision. To know more, visit our stories

May 29 2023

Redefined Alibaba Product Posting Strategy to Optimize Algorithm Compatibility

Overhauled and realigned the product posting strategy for Alibaba, ensuring seamless adaptation to the latest algorithm updates. Resulted in increased visibility, improved search rankings, and enhanced product discoverability on the platform.

May 23 2023

Flawless Magento to Shopify Migration of 1 lac Customer Database.

Efficiently executed a seamless migration from Magento to Shopify, effortlessly managing a vast customer database of over 100,000 (1 lac) individuals.

May 15 2023

Cutting-Edge VoIP Call App Developed with React Technology

Leveraged the power of React technology to create a state-of-the-art Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call application, delivering seamless communication and exceptional audio quality.

May 03 2023

Empowering Corporate Data Analytics with Microsoft Clarity Integration

Spearheaded the implementation of Microsoft Clarity for corporate accounts, revolutionizing data analytics and providing invaluable insights for enhanced decision-making.

Dec 20 2022

Implementing Google Analytics 4 Setup

Google Analytics 4 is going to be dominant in the coming year 2023. Thus started the Implementation of GA 4 for Accounts to explore the next level of data analytics for our valued clients. Google Analytics helps in website visitors analysis if you opt for SEO and Google Ads services.

Dec 01 2022

Opal Infotech -Top 10 Stories of November - 2022 - A Team that Works Well Together has Many Hands but Just One Vision.

Success will only become a reality when a team transcends individual achievement and develops collective competence. Individuality is important, but cooperation strengthens.

To know more, visit our stories

Jul 12 2022

Shopify Editions New Features to Connect to Consumer (C2C) are Now Available

In line with its new e-commerce approach, Shopify has launched new tools including Admin Enhancements, Shopify Email Customization Tool, Shopify Audiences, Shopify Flow, Shopify Cash, and others to improve customer interactions and assist you administer your business successfully.

Jul 06 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 7 Stories of June - 2022 - To Stimulate your greater Achievements, Keep count of your Modest Victories

With your whole attention on your objective, you will attain heights of success you never imagined imaginable, and this will be more rewarding than the accomplishment of the target itself.Visit Stories

Jun 15 2022

Google Update for Simplifying Google Search Console Reports...Roll Out Soon

Google will roll out update to simplify Google Search Console Report pages with better classification to focus on website critical issues more effectively. This reporting change will make it clearer to identify the website issues for rectifications that help in indexing and listing well in search engine.

Jun 01 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of May - 2022 - Goals are the Fuel in the Kiln of Success

Strive to devote every minute and every effort to accomplishing the objective at hand, because our goals can only be attained through the implementation of a plan in which we must fervently believe and passionately act, for success is defined by the quality of time we put in.Visit Stories.

May 02 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of April- 2022 - Big milestones are attained with one tiny advantage at a time, one step at a time, and one day at a time

Keep track of your tiny victories to drive you to achieve your larger goals. Over time, comparatively small everyday advancements and breakthroughs culminate to astounding feats. Attain your goal one at a time, and enjoy the journey.Visit Stories.

Apr 01 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 8 Stories of March- 2022 - When Everyone Heads Towards the Same Direction, Success Follows

​​Big things in business are never achieved by a single person; rather, they are accomplished by a group of individuals, and the capacity to steer personal achievements toward organizational goals is the fuel that enables ordinary individuals to achieve extraordinary results. Visit Stories

Mar 01 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 12 Stories of February - 2022 - Small Accomplishments, Pave the Path to Big Success

High achievement in business is always part of a framework of great aspirations, and every major success has come to fruition as a result of adhering to the vision. Visit Stories

Feb 01 2022

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of January 2022 - Growth is seldom the consequence of a single accomplishment, but rather the culmination of multiple triumphs

Building a business entails taking pride in what you do and using cutting-edge technology to produce something that will make a meaningful impact in your clients' lives. Visit Stories

Nov 26 2021

Implemented SEO Strategy in line with Google's Latest Algorithmic Update

With an emphasis on high-quality content and user-oriented web services, rather than link manipulation by the so-called "Link Spam Update" on July 26, 2021, we focused more on website content part to make them highly stable against algorithmic blow up and also to extend the rich user experience and search engine friendliness.

Oct 19 2021

Planning to Develop an App? - Minimize Cost and Maximize Benefits for Your Business with Hybrid Apps

When looking for a broad spectrum to expand business & its operations, Hybrid app deployment can work across different devices and offers many beneficial features like security, speed, easy maintenance, better user experience and these all in cost-effective way.

Aug 10 2021

A Website with A Security Threat = Online Business at Stake

Websites developed in versions older than PHP 7.3 have security threat and should be updated immediately to leave out any chances of haphazard to your online business.

May 31 2021

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of May 2021 - True Achievement is Witnessing the Marvellous & Exceptional Growth of Clients

Implementing the latest and most appreciated technologies and bringing in new strategies for the betterment and enhanced contribution in the growth of our clients in this V-shaped recovery of global economy. Visit stories

Feb 01 2021

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of January 2021 - Adapting Changes for Refinement of the Organization is a Step Towards Growth

Acquiring changes while improving & stepping ahead for advancement of our business methods & strategies for customers. Visit stories

Jan 22 2021

Addressing Critical Issue with Complete Server Setup and React PWA Setup Having Magento as Backend

Performance of any application depends on professional setup & configuration, Opal Infotech resolved critical problem of fixing server setup issue & website configuration for react PWA with Magento as backend. This helps easy upgradation of server OR magento updates in future.

Jan 15 2021

Extend an Existing GraphQL Schema for Magento 2.x

Created Magento GraphQL Extension for get information for products, create the filter for the category listing, Fetch Customer Orders full details, Payment gateway support.

Jan 01 2021

Opal Infotech - Top 10 Stories of December 2020 – Growing New Stories for the New Decade

Overcoming new challenges & establishing new records while growing ourselves with our customers as they succeed & evolve. Visit Stories.

Dec 23 2020

Implemented Alibaba Minisite Exclusive features for Site Enhancement

We have especially focused on some of the exclusive features on Alibaba for product posting layout enhancement and optimization of client’s keywords.

Dec 10 2020

Introduced Instagram Ads Service as a part of Social Media Optimization

With Instagram being popular among people, it has become essential to take strategic steps for improved company branding on this favored social media. We are happy to introduce Instagram Ads service as a part of Social Media optimization for enhanced brand recognition.

Dec 01 2020

Opal Infotech - Top 9 Stories of November 2020 – Improving to Become Better to Best is Another Step Towards Improved Growth.

Improving & implementing new technologies & looking for new ways to help our customers grow along with market trends. Visit Stories.

Nov 28 2020

Now Offering SEO Services in German Language!

Updation is the key to stay ahead of competitors. We keep on updating our services in terms of technology as well as individual development. We have stepped up our standards by now adding another language - “German” to our portfolio including Spanish & Italian in our SEO services.

Nov 16 2020

Upgrading Google Ads Promotion Strategy.

We are upgrading our Google Ads Promotion Strategy to increase the number of relevant clicks and help our clients in cost optimization.

Nov 09 2020

Introducing Image Tagging in Instagram & Facebook.

We are delighted to introduce image tagging in Instagram & Facebook for better user experience and to attract customers to the website for to increase our client’s product sales.

Nov 02 2020

Opal Infotech - Top 8 Stories of October 2020 – Hard work with Passion Gives Different Results.

When Hard work is done with passion it gives different & better results which are more benefiting and fruitful for our beloved customers & us too. Visit Stories.

Oct 15 2020

App Promotion Services - Adding feathers with Google Mobile App Install Ads Management Services.

Opal Infotech is glad to launch Mobile App Install Ads Management service to ensure you get the best-benefitted results from your App Promotions with our expertise and awarded credential of Google Premier Partnership.

Oct 07 2020

Overwhelmed to Start Development for Websites & Applications using ReactJS.

Opal Infotech is committed to offering the best solution to its customers and keeping them a step ahead of their competitors by adopting to latest and fastest technologies. ReactJS is an open-source, front end, JavaScript library implemented for building excellent User Interface and is maintained by Facebook. ReactJS platform is beneficial for those looking to develop complex and custom applications with fastest browsing speed.

Oct 05 2020

Opal Infotech - Top 8 Stories of September 2020 – Real Growth is Combined Growth

For us, the real growth is the combined growth when we grow together with our customers, our employees and technology. Visit Stories.

Sep 10 2020

Delighted to Launch YouTube Ranking Optimization Service Packages.

Now, more & more buyers prefer video search for their requirement of products or services. Opal Infotech offers new & exciting opportunities to strengthen digital presence by promoting YouTube video as there is rapid change in buyers' searches preferences.

Sep 01 2020

Opal Infotech - Top 8 Stories of August 2020 – Turning Customer’s Perception into Reality.

Opal Infotech envisions to turn our customer’s perception into reality with our treasured knowledge and unbeatable zest to achieve more and display results in the form of client success and satisfaction. Visit Stories.

Aug 14 2020

Get Your Virtual Visiting Card with Google now.

Google has launched an impeccable feature of "Add Me to Search" which helps you enhance your online presence and add to your social profile. This virtual card can help Influencers, Entrepreneurs, or anyone looking towards getting more business and visibility. Click here for more detail.

Aug 11 2020

Congratulations "Goral Patel" On Completion of 16 years with Opal Infotech and still counting.

Exhilarating Journey from 08.08.2004 & Continued.. With years of ups and downs & back to back challenges to bring out the best of me, Opal Infotech has made me who I am today. No thank you is enough to express my gratitude. - Goral Patel.

Aug 01 2020

Opal Infotech – Top 7 stories of July 2020 – Towards a vision of exceeding all our dedication barriers to uphold our customer’s faith in Us.

Surpassing all our dedication limits to exceed our highly envisioned customer’s expectations who have faith in our capabilities and provide them a better experience with different business methods. Visit Stories.

Jul 12 2020

Rolling out lead forms to customers’ Google Ads campaign

Opal Infotech, as a committed organization always remains a step ahead to keep its customers’ stay precedent of its competitors. Google has introduced a beta version of lead forms to generate direct leads through ad campaigns. We have started implementing the same to make sure our customers gain the maximum benefits of this new inclusion. The extension is available for search & video campaigns and is only applicable to mobile & tablet versions.

Jul 01 2020

Opal Infotech – Top 12 stories of June 2020 – Dedicated to our customers experiencing a new approach of doing business

Opal Infotech performs the best when we connect with visionary & confident customers, having faith in our capabilities. Visit Stories.

Jun 10 2020

Opal Infotech provided technical solution for SEO to promote Multiple websites of One Company

It is a common issue for the companies that have multiple websites with same content and they want SEO promotion of different websites for different regions but have the issue of duplicate content. Google does not promote the websites with duplicate content. So it needs to set hreflang tags in multiple website for region specific promotion and to avoid content duplication issue. In this month, Opal Infotech has executed hreflang tags for one of the reputed Europe based medical suppliers’ websites for SEO to differentiate the visibility of their multiple websites for different geographical areas.

Jun 01 2020

Opal Infotech - Top 8 stories for the month of May - 2020, Dedicated to empowerment of our customers

In the month of May, Opal Infotech implemented strategies as per latest situation arised due to Covid-19 pandemic. These strategies are consisting of innovative ideas, encashing latest opportunities and better customer support. Visit Stories.

May 29 2020

Opal infotech implements a new algorithm i.e. web vitals introduced by Google which is an essential matrix for healthy website

Opal Infotech strategy is to keep their customers ahead of the competition and implementing latest digital technology for their business. Today, we are implementing core web vitals introduced by Google for website optimization which includes loading experience, interactivity & visual stability of page content. We make sure that our client website is optimized and promoted as per latest guidelines.

May 21 2020

Opal Infotech has launched explanatory video to help Angular Development Professionals

Opal Infotech always believe in sharing the knowledge and contribute to the online community with its in-depth technical expertise and years of technology experience. Angular is the most preferred platform and latest trend in developing websites. We frequently observed that developers make mistakes while loading the Angular Components result in increasing the web load time. Here in this video -,  our development expert has explained that with lazy loading, how you can resolve this issue and what are the benefits of lazy loading.

May 04 2020

Opal Infotech support clients with recent change for Google Suit users in Email & other applications

Email is extremely critical mode of communications in the business . Google has changed settings for Google Suit Users with more securities parameters while they synchronise G-Suit with other applications.This needs new settings to synchronise important applications including mails on Desktop or Mobile to download hassle free in Outlook , Mac or IOS. Opal Infotech sassiest its large client based to apply new settings so they have same working comfort level.

Apr 24 2020

Opal Infotech helps e commerce customers to manage inventory of multiple online & off line stores with ERP software

More & More wholesale & retail sellers are going e-commerce way . To manage inventories at one point with existing ERP software is the biggest challenge to them.Opal Infotech has started implementing solutions by connecting existing ERP software with online store to manage real time inventories . This helps our customers to focus more into the business rather than back end administrations.

Apr 20 2020

Opal Infotech Initiated the strategy updates in digital marketing to act on Covid-19 businesses impact

Coronavirus pandemic has changed the market landscape in many ways when there is no scope of conventional marketing. Businesses are more dependant on digital marketing. So but natural to meet clients’ promotional expectations, Opal Infotech has put more stress on updating its strategy with SEO, Google Ads and other paid marketing, Social Media to capture the market segments for different business categories.

Apr 14 2020

Dating Mobile App Development Using Google UI Toolkit

we have developed dating mobile app using Flutter (Google UI toolkit) for one of our clients. Flutter has explored many features and rich user experience for iOS and Android platform. Fast development with rich set of fully-customizable widgets, expressavie and flexible UI, Native Performance, own rendering engine are the exclusive features those benefitted in developing this versatile app.

Apr 10 2020

Updated Mobile Application on Capacitor Version 2.0 Using Ionic Framework

​We have updated our client’s mobile application on Capacitor version 2.0 using Ionic Framework. This new version capacitor supports iOS (Swift 5 and Xcode 11+) and Android (SDK 29) with unique app features like-

  • Improved Mobile App Speed
  • Increased App Security
  • Bug Fixes and Modern Development Experience

Apr 06 2020

Opal Infotech redefined the marketing stretagy for global reach of Pharma, FMCG and Packaging Industry clients

Covid-19 Pandemic has badly impact on many sectors due to complete/partial lockdown but this has become the great opportunity for Pharmaceuticals and FMCG Manufacturers to explore the global markets. Opal Infotech redefined its digital marketing strategy in line with the current situation and present requirement to tap the international market for the valued clientele in Pharma, FMCG and Packaging Industry.

Apr 02 2020

Business Marketing Strategy - Before & After Covid-19

Coronavirus pandemic has changed the market landscape in many ways. The effectiveness of conventional marketing solutions has decreased because of their unavailability and lockdown situation worldwide. On the other hand, digital marketing tools like search engine optimization, Google Ads, Google Remarketing, Google Interest Marketing, Google Shopping Ads, Social Media Marketing and Alibaba Promotions have emerged as the most effective marketing solutions. Read our published article - How To Grow Your Business Post COVID-19 Scenario? to know how Digital marketing is the way ahead for your business promotion.

Mar 30 2020

Finding Solution for the Customers of Paid Marketing Campaign due delayed response from the Digital Marketing Platforms

Current Covid Pandemic has forced most of the digital marketing platforms respond late due to limited availability of staff & resources. Opal Infotech is constantly following up with the platforms & offering best possible ways to resolve the issues so their opportunities are not affected.

Mar 27 2020

Optimizing Clients Paid Marketing Budget in Covid-19 Pandemic

Adjusting paid marketing budget of our clients between most affected area to least affected areas with corona virus. This initiatives help client to get maximum leads at minimum investments. We are applying pause to accelerate strategy to get advantage from current market scenario.

Mar 25 2020

Customers Education & Training Campaign to Stay in Touch with their Customers and Prospectus with the use of Different Platforms

Opal Infotech has launched campaign to educate their customers for using different platforms to stay connect with their customers, prospectus and employees. This will replace physical contact at the same time they can negotiate business more effectively . We are explaining various available technologies, options & helping then to implement the same. This types of campaigns are always complimentary and idea behind this to keep our customers ahead of their competitors.

Mar 23 2020

Making Work from Home Challenging, Not Difficult

Opal infotech's dedicated team have started work from home with 100% attendance & more dedication to fulfil the commitments towards the customers growth. Our office timings in all the branches of India, USA & Netherlands are as per the normal working hours so our customers can contact us for any support as usual even during Lockdown.